Dark souls 1 reset stats

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I know this because all losers just want things their way and will not consider an alternative. There’s something seriously wrong with people who insist on things being only ‘their way’ when the alternative way (that clearly many people enjoy, including myself) doesn’t deprive them of their austere gameplay. I code for a living so I know how it works - what I’m asking for is not a huge programming challenge.

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‘Go play D3’ is a redundant argument in these times where it’s easy to create an ‘alternate mode’ where people that want to play by D3 gameplay get their game, and people who want this frankly bizarre second job gameplay get theirs.

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Games are just entertainment to me - a bit of escapism. D3 was a nice ‘stress ball’ - why do you hate that? Are games just ‘second careers’ to you or what’s going on? Some of us have wives, kids and jobs that are much more challenging than all this geeky nonsense. ‘Where is the challenge’… Please refer to the post I posted earlier.